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Hey, Taxi! (C64)

 by romwer     - Inspired by the fantastic computer game classic "Space Taxi" (c) 1984 by John Kutcher/Muse Software: Take part Basic 10 Liner Contest Download, here Source:

Dark Pillage Demo -NES-

Dungeon Crwaler for the NES by Lucas Favero     Dark Pillage is a game about Rhaztharak, a goblin who wishes to pillage the legendary Maze of the Undead Dragon King. Your objective is to collect all the treasures in each room!     Download demo, here Source:

Wave Invaders -ZX Spectrum-

 by lupoman     Wave Invaders for the 48K spectrum. Destroy all the invaders before they get to Capitol City. Use O and P to control the ship, autofire is enabled Entry for the BASIC 10 LINER CONTEST        CATEGORY  : PUR-120 DATE      : 04-FEB-2025 TO 21-FEB-2025 Download, here Source:

Liberado el prototipo de Sensible Soccer para NES

    Nunca es tarde, si la dicha es buena. Tras triunfar en múltiples sistemas y plataformas, Sensible Soccer no pudo aterrizar en la clásica NES, pero ahora, 32 años después se puede disfrutar de esta versión prototipo.   Esta adaptación para la consola de Nintendo fue desarrollada por Enigma Variations , el mismo equipo que se encargó de la versión para Game Boy, y aunque en su día no fue anunciado de manera oficial fue cancelado cuando su desarrollo ya estaba prácticamente terminado. En  Games That Weren’t  se puede encontrar más información sobre  Sensible Soccer para NES y la ROM para descargar. Una agradable sorpresa para los amantes de la icónica máquina de Nintendo y de los juegos de fútbol. Fuente: OTAKUFREAKS

Palm Cracker -Steam-

  Sumérgete en un mundo fascinante de acertijos y cifrados reales en un antiguo sistema PalmPilot. ¿Descubrirás la confesión del Crypt Killer y lo llevarás ante la justicia, o conseguirá burlar la ley?       Nostalgia retro, a precio gratuito en Steam Fuente: STEAM

SkillTeam -ZX Spectrum-

 by David Programa    SkillTeam is a puzzle game, now remade for Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K.   Get to the goal across 60 difficulty-increasing levels. In the way you will have to push crates, avoid crumbling floors and most important, use skills. There are 6 different skills, but I think it is best to let you discover what each one does. This game was designed by LukaszM and appeared first on Fancade . Download, here Source:

La Manula 2 -ZX Spectrum-

 Secuela de La Manula por krappygamez     La Manula 2 (Return of The Otocolobus) is the sequel to La Manula, a game inspired by "La Mulana" by Nigoro.  It's for the old ZX Specturm 48k (or compatible, or emulator)   This sequel is shorter, easier and simpler than the previous chapter but also more enjoyable and polished. The action is smoother and the map, though smaller, is more detailed. This time you don't have to worry to find collectables: there are a few power-ups but these apply immediately after you defeat the corresponding boss. There are a total of 70 rooms, plus 10 more rooms in a hidden dungeon, three bosses plus the final boss (The Otocolobus). Download, here Source:

Rescued (MSX2)

 by ZioOry     Take part BASIC 10 Liner Contest  The name of the game is "RESCUED". The goal of the game is to save as many people as possible. Download, here Source:

H.E.R.O -PC-

 Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation by Langford Productions     H.E.R.O. first appeared on the Atari 2600 way back in 1984. Written by John Van Ryzin it was considered one of the best games on that machine. The game was converted to most home computers, including the Sinclair Spectrum, that version being the inspiration for this remake.     Download, here Source:


 by sunteam     This software runs on the ZX Spectrum Next home micro.   Hamble's House of Horror is based on games such as Nightmare Park and Spectrum Safari. There are 8 randomised mini-games to play as you move through the house. The 3 difficulty levels adjust the frequency of the games, an each has a different ending. Can you get through on the most difficult for the ultimate reward? Download, here Source:

The Last Oath -Amstrad CPC-

 by Narkhos     Nueva aventura para el Amstrad CPC creada por Narkhos: The Last Oath.   Tu aldea ha sido golpeada por una extraña maldición: sus habitantes están perdiendo gradualmente su libre albedrío y finalmente están postrados hasta la muerte. Embárcate en una aventura para descubrir el origen de este mal y salvar a tu pueblo. ¿Podrás conseguirlo? Un título que gustará a los grandes aventureros que disfrutaron del CPC. Descarga, aquí Fuente:

Echoes of Elysium: Descent (demo) -NES-

 by RetroBroGaming     Echoes of Elysium: Descent Explore. Upgrade. Survive.     🕹️ Metroidvania-inspired 8-bit adventure 🌌 A vast alien world to explore ⚡ Upgrade and evolve Kyra’s abilities 🎶 Atmospheric chiptune soundtrack 👾 3 intense boss battles in the demo! Prepare to descend into the unknown— Echoes of Elysium: Descent awaits! Download, here Source: