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Matchboxes New -ZX Spectrum-

  New version Matchboxes by oldsnapper39 Memory game Download, here Source:

Wingo Places -ZX Spectrum-

 by oldsnapper39 Wingo word puzzle with places around the world With 25 words to find   Buy, here Source:

Aprovecha el MSX DAY

  En 2023 se cumplieron 40 años del estándar MSX, el primer acuerdo para que distintos fabricantes crearán ordenadores de forma que fueran compatibles a nivel de software. Desde entonces, la comunidad de fans y simpatizantes del estándar japonés ha ido creciendo día a día, y hablando de días, el 6 de mayo se celebra el día del MSX. Si quieres celebrarlo y aprovecharlo de la mejor forma posible, te recomendamos que descargues este lote gratuito de videojuegos para MSX que incluye: - Cubedroid - Western House  - Outer Sounds Descarga, aquí Fuente:

Activa las notificaciones PUSH, "para estar al día de TODO!"

Sabemos que quieres estar informado, al momento, de todas las novedades de la escena retro, nuevos lanzamientos y cualquier otra cosa relevante que te pueda ser de interés.  Si es eso lo que quieres, te recomendamos que actives las notificaciones PUSH, ¡Para no perderte nada! *- Activar notificaciones PUSH de Android - Ajustes  >  notificaciones  y  activar :  Notificacicaciones pantalla de bloqueo ,  Notificaciones flotantes  e  Iconos de notificaciones  en la APP. Para estar al corriente de todas las novedades y noticias de SpectrumAndRetro NEWS. ¡Gracias por elegir SpectrumAndRetro NEWS!

The Land of Rustles 2 -ZXEvolution-

 by Slip, Jerry and Gogin Story Surely you remember who Rustles are? They live under your feet, eat apples, invent a time machine, and endlessly rustle in the leaves... yes, yes, yes! It's all about them. And they also have friends, for example, Otter with a human face, the same one who saved Little Rustle from the enraged time machine. This time everything is much more interesting. One day, Otter came to Little Rustle’s house to talk about romance, but our hero was already waiting there, the cat Murka, who told the sad news... Little Rustle got sick! And to help her recover, you need to look for all kinds of potions so that Murka can brew a healing potion. Thus begins a new adventure. You will meet old friends, as well as equally interesting new acquaintances. The game is a mixture of genres such as platformer and quest. This allows you, on the one hand, to quickly jump across platforms, fighting off a bunch of enemies, level up your character, explore the world, on the other hand

Demon Crush: Demo Trailer Available

Demon Crush is inspired by classics such as Ninja Garden and Shinobi, and a storyline inspired by anime, steampunk and a touch of history. Besides, this game combines 16-bit platform gaming with modern technology   Future Kickstarter Project More information, here Demo trailer  YouTube

KingAndBalloon500 -Commodore Amiga-

 by RMJ & JoeJoe This is a 1:1 arcade port of the game King&Balloon, by Namco from 1980 for the Amiga 500. The game is written in 68k assembler, based on the original Z80 code Download, here Source:

Figuras Minix de la saga ‘Rocky’

Todo un regalo para los fans de Sylvester Stallone Hay un montón disponibles SD en MINIX de figuras coleccionables donde encontrarás todos tus personajes favoritos Todas accesibles en MINIX Fuente: MINIX